Connect, Create, Change: the CCC Project

In January 2021 we received funding from The Community National Lottery Fund to develop an exciting new project aimed at tackling social isolation and loneliness and allowing us to support people in East Dunbartonshire to connect with local services and their community. In July 2023 we received further funding to continue this project for another three years.

As part of the continued development of our Connect, Create, Change project within Ceartas, we are looking to provide an exciting and engaging range of time limited activities, peer support groups, an accessible walking group as well as volunteering opportunities. The ongoing delivery of the project will be shaped through our commitment to user led involvement and participation. The activities aim to tackle a variety of issues including social isolation, low confidence levels, poor physical and mental wellbeing.  By exploring positive partnerships throughout East Dunbartonshire and inviting others to join the experiences, we hope to connect people and introduce them to new ventures and friendships.

For more information on the project or to discuss partnership working opportunities, please contact us on 0141 775 0433 or