Group Facilitator required for the ‘Bite and a Blether’ project
11 March, 2022Learning Disability Week 2022: Case Study by Social Work Student Kacey Carmody, on placement at Ceartas
4 May, 2022To celebrate Scottish Learning Disabilities Week 2022, we will be posting information and case studies on our website demonstrating how independent advocacy works closely with and supports people from this community care group. The first case study below is from Muleya, Advocacy Lead at Ceartas – keep an eye out for the rest throughout the week:
Communication support needs
- difficulties processing information due to Learning Disability
Reason for referral:
- review of her current care package and planning for her future care package
- to support XX to be more independent by having choices and options, having control over her care and support plan.
Advocacy aim:
- support XX to formally communicate her views, goals and desired outcomes in her care plan.
- support XX to attend her SW review – recording her desired outcomes and support plan.
Independent advocacy engagement
Advocacy worker Muleya met with XX and explained:
- her right to respect for her private life, her family life, her home under Article 8 of the Human Right Act 1998.
- Her right to equality access and equal opportunities to have achieve good quality of life outcomes -Keys to Life outcomes
Muleya and XX used the talking point conversation tool: about you, where you live or want to live and what you do- activities to explore her priority issue as “Stay in my own flat with support from staff” and ascertain her desired outcomes – support plan as “exercise choices and preferred options, maintain skills for supported independent living”.
With her permission, those were communicated to her SW to increase her participation and involvement in decisions affecting her life.