#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek: case study from Advocacy Worker Jacqueline
13 May, 2022A Bite & A Blether – new project starting 28th June 2022
14 June, 2022Date of Case Study: 13th May 2022
Work undertaken:
Richard has used advocacy services several times in the past for support at medical appointments and for a range of housing issues.
Richard has long standing poor mental health and is under the care of psychiatric services. He lives alone and due to autistic spectrum disorder is very socially isolated and lonely.
Through ongoing contact and trusting relationship with advocacy, the advocacy worker spoke with Richard about some social groups that might be of interest to him. After some hesitation, Richard agreed that his name could be put forward to the group organiser and Richard was subsequently contacted.
Richard did attend a confidence building and environmental art group and has joined another social group in his local community.
Richard continues to receive advocacy support in matters involving social work and housing.