Ceartas Music Afternoon 2020: musicians in lock-down, WE NEED YOU!!
22 May, 2020Music for a Summer’s Afternoon 2020 is going digital!
5 June, 2020Wellbeing Pack reaction
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, the team at Ceartas developed a Wellbeing Pack for those living in East Dunbartonshire who may not have been aware of independent advocacy or our service. The pack was designed for those who have been finding lockdown a challenging experience due to shielding or self-isolation.
We appealed to people on Facebook to help us spread the word and the response was extremely positive, receiving well over 100 requests for packs. With your help, we managed to reach many people, their family, friends and neighbours who have now been informally introduced to Ceartas.
Most importantly, many new people now know we are here for them, when they need us.
Check out their feedback on the picture below.
Staff tips and highlights
Over the course of the week, Ceartas staff members also provided some of their own personal tips/highlights to maintain positive during the COVID19 outbreak and beyond. Between the colouring in and poetry of course…
#CeartasDiaries: Gordon talks Ceartas, Independent Advocacy and the challenges brought by COVID19
#CeartasDiaries: Roy’s OPAL Lockdown Vlog – contains dogs!!
First submitted completed page of the Ceartas colouring book
Katherine’s tips for keeing mentally positive
How Gemma has been keeping positive during lockdown
Some of Alex’s highlights from MHAW2020
Sharon keeping positive during lockdown
Tricia and Ollie go on an adventure
Facebook statistics for Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
In terms of Facebook numbers, over the course of MHAW2020;
- 15 Facebook posts reaching 18258 people
- Including; 1481 engagements, 69 comments, 86 shares, 183 likes
- & over 230 private messages on Facebook
As always, you can contact us on 0141 775 0433 or info@ceartas.org.uk for more information.
The Ceartas Team