Weekly highlights..
21 April, 2017Creative writing workshop for people living with Dementia
19 May, 2017ABI Café members Helen and Mona will be taking part in the Color Me Rad 5k on Saturday, 13th of May. For those who have never heard of it: the Color Me Rad is a 5km ‘paint fight’ where participants take part and raise funds for a good cause whilst making a wonderful mess at the same time.
This year Helen & Mona are taking part in aid of ABI Cafe, the monthly information and support group for those living with an acquired brain injury in East Dunbartonshire that currently meets on the first Thursday of every month, at Kirkintilloch Baptist Church.
The Café is a joint partnership between Ceartas and Headway Glasgow: Ceartas provides advocacy and operational support to co-ordinate, promote and organise the café whilst Headway offers the specialist support and training required in ABI.
If you would like sponsor Helen & Mona then follow the link below or if you would like more information about ABI Café please contact us on 0141 775 0433 or info@ceartas.org.uk