Weekly highlights..
24 March, 2017Weekly Highlights!
31 March, 2017What does it mean to be safe?
What does it mean to be vulnerable?
A study of older people’s experiences and views
Ceartas are currently working in partnership with researchers from Stirling University who are looking into older people’s perceptions of feeling safe and/or feeling vulnerable. Ceartas will be facilitating two focus groups to discuss these topics, which will take place on:
Wednesday 3rd May 2017 from 2-4 at Ceartas
Wednesday 14th June 2017 from 2-4 at Ceartas
“Protection” and “vulnerability” are common words in health and social care. Professionals also talk a lot about “safety”. This research study will give professionals a better insight into older people’s views. The study asks older people what ‘safety’ and ‘vulnerability’ mean to them, and how they are able to keep and feel safe. It invites older people to help design and run the study
People with all health conditions are welcome but we stipulate they are older people over 65 year of age.
Please contact us on 0141 775 0433 or info@ceartas.org.uk if you would like to come along.