Ceartas Digest: 24th – 28th October 2016
28 October, 2016Ceartas 12th Annual General Meeting
8 November, 2016Monday-
A member of the team attended an AWI meeting for an elderly lady who is currently in hospital, as there was a possibility that she would be moved into a care due to her particular needs. The lady does not want this and wishes to return home, and advocacy will support her views to be heard.
Chris returned to Graeme Anderson House in relation to supporting an individual during a rehabilitation case: a special assessment and rehabilitation centre for those with non-progressive brain injuries.
Still Game at EDVA offices where the group discussed group evaluations and suggestions for guest speakers.
and De Café Bearsden
Alex went on a home visit to discuss with a woman how independent advocacy can support her upcoming PIP assessment. The woman is feeling particularly anxious as this situation is a new experience to her. After a brief chat, the woman requested that Alex would accompany her to the assessment to ensure that all of her points will be clearly expressed.
& De Café Milngavie
Thursday –
The management team met with Neil Ross to discuss the upcoming photo exhibition and official report on the work of Ceartas over the past year.
Ronnie met with Margaret, a member of the Silver Surfers, to discuss creating a Twitter account for the group and benefits or connecting with professionals and organisations online.
& ABI Café, followed by Walk n Roll.
Roy went on a visit to Bluebird Homecare to discuss OPAL and how the service can enhance the work of care organisations across East Dunbartonshire.
A member of the team supported a young woman to submit a homelessness application as she had received a notice to quit for her private let. The young woman and her children has been staying at the property for a number of years and is quite settled, and independent advocacy helped her communicate this.
And November is the launch of our #GiveMeAVoice Campaign.
In the lead up to the AGM on the 2nd of December, Ceartas are promoting #GiveMeAVoice across social media in hope of dispelling some of the myths and misconceptions about independent advocacy. The image featured on this article (and below) is our first post so be sure to keep an eye out for more in the coming weeks. And please, get sharing!
Please RT – November is the launch of our #GiveMeAVoice campaign, helping us dispel myths about Ceartas & independent advocacy pic.twitter.com/105L7Dr9cF
— Ceartas Advocacy (@CeartasAdvocacy) November 2, 2016