10 October, 2016Live Literature Event a Success!
18 October, 2016Monday – Gemma supported an individual to engage with the local council repairs team. They had found it difficult to communicate with the council due to their condition and so Gemma took on this task and arranged for the council to communicate via herself. This ensured that the individual was able to negotiate the repairs to be carried out in a timely manner.
Week 5 of Knowing Me – Group members spent the afternoon looking at what makes a good story and thinking about their own stories and how they might want to tell them to others.
Tuesday – Roy returned to the University of the 3rd Age in Lenzie to talk about Power of Attorney again – the U3A is so big that they cannot fit everyone in the room for a general meeting, so they now split it over two days!
Wednesday –
Susie went on a hospital visit to a woman assessed as needing more care than can be provided at home. As she has no powers in place, the role of Advocacy was to try and explore situation and get her view on the matter.
In celebration of Mental Health Awareness Day we welcomed writer Jenny Lindsay to our Live Literature Event. Jenny came in to discuss creative writing and expressing yourself, particularly looking at ways we communicate when living with a mental health condition. This event was funded by The Scottish Book Trust.
The group had a great afternoon talking about how you can tell your story in a way that is safe using characters, objects and letter writing. We had some very powerful pieces of work created and shared by the group and everyone agreed that they would love to see more of this happen.
Thursday –
Roy and Ronnie went to the Silver Surfers group in the morning to discuss raising awareness of the group through social media, and also welcomed Police Scotland to discuss internet safety and protecting yourself online.
Cheryl and Ronnie went to the East Dunbartonshire -Working Matters Wellbeing Event in the afternoon.
Friday –
Alex visited Armadale Ward at Stobhill to speak to a lady she is currently supporting to appeal a Short Term Detention.
& Dementia Voices group at our office.
See you next week!