Dignity – How would you feel?
12 September, 2016Summer Newsletter 16′
20 September, 2016That time of the week again! Time flies and all that…
Monday – Karen, Linda & Cheryl hosted the first meeting of the Knowing Me group at McGregor House, with ten people attending to discuss their personal stories and to share experiences from their own lives.
Linda and Ronnie went to the first event of East Dunbartonshire Recovery Week: a 5aside football tournament at Merkland Outdoor Centre. Eight teams representing a number of local organisations took part including St Andrews First Aid, two from Police Scotland and G.R.A.C.E. Both Linda and Ronnie helped with event set-up and support during the tournament and Ronnie even got his football boots on for a game.
Tuesday – Linda gave a presentation to the MS Society at Hillhead Community Centre to discuss the work of Ceartas in relation to MS and to speak a bit more about her role here at Ceartas.
Roy has been working behind the scenes on the Ceartas website, more specifically looking at a new layout and a better way to arrange the information on it.
Wednesday – Both Karen and Roy attended Dementia reviews at Ashfield GP Surgery as part of our Ceartas GP outreach programme.
Chris went on a home visit and met with a young man receiving support services at home: to discuss his future support needs and then assist him in sharing his views with the social work department.
Thursday – Alex went on a home visit to discuss with a woman how independent advocacy can support her upcoming PIP assessment. The woman is feeling particularly anxious as this situation is a new experience to her. After a brief chat, the woman requested that Alex would accompany her to the assessment to ensure that all of her points will be clearly expressed.
Friday- Sharon & Roy assisted with a Social Security consultation today led by local MSP Rona MacKay here at Ceartas. This event was an opportunity for service users to have their say in the future of Scotland’s social security system.
Sharon also met with Louise Bickerton, Equalities Officer at East Dunbartonshire Council, to discuss how we enhance their involvement with our Changes group.
Next week:
Knowing Me on Monday
Dementia Walking Football on Wednesday
Scottish Dementia Awards on Thursday
And below, some highlights from the Recovery Week Football Tournament.
See you next week!