Get Onside Course
26 November, 2014Still Game and ABI Cafe Christmas Outings
9 December, 2014Ceartas is an independent charity funded through grant and individual donations, and as demand for our services grow we are working hard to meet the needs of our service users. As such we have put together a fact sheet to keep people updated on what help we can offer, what we do and all the necessary information about Ceartas today.
At our core is advocacy. Our Advocacy team are dedicated and work tirelessly to get the best possible outcome for the people they work for. Our practices have been commended by the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) and funding permitting we hope to develop our work further to assist and advocate for more people, ensuring those whose circumstances make them vulnerable are fully involved, in control and able to influence decisions affecting them.
Not only that but we have an information team who provide information and training on anything from dementia, older people’s services, Adult Protection Services, Power of Attorney, Guardianship, stroke support and so much more.
Involving people at the heart of our services is the critical factor in our success, groups such as Still Game, the Forum, A-Spire, De Café and our latest initiative Get Onside are just some examples of the work we deliver ensuring that people, no matter their circumstances, are included, informed and together can influence services in their community.
The following fact sheet contains information on; advocacy, who we work with, our partnership services and service user groups.
For more detailed information see the relevant pages on our website or get in touch.