Funding secured for Alzheimer Europe Conference 2014
29 August, 2014Unjust and Uncaring – A Report by Citizens Advice Bureau
9 September, 2014On Tuesday Still Game had their monthly meeting, with the lovely Pam back again as a volunteer. The group started off with lunch and a discussion about the holidays everyone has been on this year, or are planning.
We then got down to business, with the achievements from August being highlighted as; some members taking part in the Shine SDS Training the Trainers, hearing about the Health and Social Work Merger, getting information on the Adapted Flat in East Dunbartonshire and having some myths about Power of Attorney dispelled.
The group also took part in an activity, where they were split into groups and discussed what works well within Still Game and what they should do more of, everyone found this extremely worthwhile and that it gave them some aims for the coming months.
Finally the discussion around the Still Game tagline continues, with the aim being to make a final decision on this at next months meeting.