Adult Support and Protection Committee
11 July, 2014Still Game Summer Newsletter out now!
18 July, 2014A-Spire were visited by Fiona Mcleod MSP this week who had a lively and informative discussion with the group about all things referendum related. After hosting a referendum workshop with Ian Hood from the LDA and their subsequent visit to Parliament, A-Spire members have been keen to continue their political journey by discussing the referendum and raising awareness of autism related issues.
The last few months have seen A-Spire members be incredibly pro-active in raising awareness in the most powerful way of all; by sharing their own experiences. Fiona seemed very impressed with the range of experience, knowledge and insight the group had to offer and this led to some fascinating discussions with everyone leaving the meeting feeling encouraged and informed.
Fiona and A-Spire members covered everything from how independence will affect social welfare spending and institutions such as the BBC and the NHS, to equally important questions regarding the cost of Irn-Bru in an independent Scotland!
As well as discussing the referendum at length the meeting was also a chance to learn more about autism related issues such as supported employment opportunities in the local community. Fiona provided lots of information on local services and also informed the group about how she would like to see opportunities and services for those on the spectrum develop in an independent Scotland.
Everyone at Ceartas would like to say thank you to Fiona for coming along and we hope to see her at more of our groups soon.