Launch of Dementia Friends
7 May, 2014Acquired Brain Injury Seminar 2014
16 May, 2014There has been lots happening with our service user involvement groups this month.
Firstly Still Game watched a film of the Universal Comedy performances, which was recorded at the end of their 6 week workshop. Members of the group who hadn’t been part of the comedy workshop enjoyed seeing the fun their fellow group members had and the confidence they gained from taking part.
Also during this months meeting 1 group member bravely gave a presentation discussing their experiences of developing encephalitis and epilepsy. This person had been working on the presentation for some time and really showed their courage by opening up about their experiences, they also helped to raise awareness within the group and inform everyone of the complex nature of brain injuries and epilepsy. It was also highlighted that there was a lack of support services for people with epilepsy in East Dunbartonshire
Also this month we held our first official Service User Forum meeting. These meetings will take place before and after the Board meetings so that Forum members can have a significant input into the running of the organisation.
Amongst other things the Forum discussed looking into the importance of events which allow different service user groups to mix, such as our trip to the Scottish Parliament and the Musical Afternoon and possible support groups for people with epilepsy or Ataxia in East Dunbartonshire. There were plenty of other suggestions that they Forum will be taking to the Board so watch this space