Service user involvement update
13 May, 2014ABI Café Stories – Living Life with an Acquired Brain Injury
21 May, 2014This week saw ABI Café members host their third annual Acquired Brain Injury Seminar. The main focus of the event was the launch of the ABI Café Stories: Living Life with an Acquired Brain Injury booklet. The booklet is a collection of personal stories and artwork aimed at raising awareness of the challenges and issues faced by people with acquired brain injuries.
ABI Café members have been incredibly brave in sharing their experiences, and the personal stories in the booklet reflect the incredibly varied and complex nature of the condition. The openness of ABI Café members in contributing was overwhelming. Everyone involved shared the aim of raising awareness and reassuring others with ABI that the road to recovery is not one they have to walk alone. The ABI Seminar 2014 most definitely saw ABI Café members achieve that aim.
The Seminar saw insightful and passionate talks delivered by speakers with a variety of experience and knowledge of acquired brain injury. Melanie Todd from Digby Brown Solicitors spoke about their contribution to the booklet and also how their organisation supports those with ABI on the road to recovery. The booklet was also commended by Karen Murray, Director of East Dunbartonshire CHP. Karen talked about the role the NHS has to play in supporting and developing partnerships with people with brain injuries.
The Seminar culminated with an inspiring and informative Meet the Authors section. This gave members of the audience the opportunity to learn about ABI from the most insightful source of all; those who live with the condition. ABI Cafe members discussed their experiences of learning to adapt to life with an acquired brain injury with amazing openness. As well as highlighting areas of support that could be improved ABI Café members talked about how they’ve managed to overcome challenges and re-build full and meaningful lives for themselves. They emphasised that every person’s brain injury is unique and that people with ABI are still capable of contributing to their communities and achieving so much.