Ceartas PATH Day
31 October, 2013Acquired Brain Injury – Raising Awareness
13 November, 2013Our Still Game group met yesterday and really appreciated a visit from Moira from East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau who let them know about some of the expected changes to benefits over the next few years.
Gordon Thomson our CEO spoke to the group about ways they might become involved in the governance of Ceartas through being a Director, as members of sub-groups, or as service user representatives – it was so encouraging to know that several members of the group are keen to discuss this further.
Still Game recently helped to re-design our Advocacy Guide which is given out to those who want to know more about our services. We were really encouraged by the helpful changes that were suggested by our service users and the new Guide will be published soon. If anyone would like us to present this guide to groups or individuals to let them know more, please contact us.
John gave feedback about the meeting he was at in Ayrshire for the new Shine Project which is a joint initiative to encourage people to consider Self Directed Support. Some of our service users will play a big part in this project and they are looking forward to this.
Tam & Carole spoke about their involvement in the recent Ceartas PATH Development day which they attended. All of these people made significant contributions to these events and we are so grateful for everyone’s enthusiastic participation and commitment to the development of Ceartas.
Still Game are committed to making people aware of advocacy support and other things they need to know to live fulfiling, independent lives. If you want to know more, contact Pam on 0141 775 0433.