Acquired Brain Injury – Raising Awareness
13 November, 2013Ceartas AGM 2013
29 November, 2013OPAL, the Older People’s Access Line, is undergoing a bit of a change over the next few weeks, but we are looking forward to having more capacity to deal with calls and enquiries as a result.
OPAL Advisor Roy Hunter said, “OPAL is a single point of contact for older people in East Dunbartonshire to find the information and services they need to maintain their quality of life. We want to help older people to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible, and to add quality years to their lives. You can call OPAL with any kind of enquiry, from looking for help Social Work or benefits, through to social and leisure activities.
“We are happy to take calls from older people, from their families and neighbours, from other professionals and people that work with older people. If you want information for an older person, or about services for older people in East Dunbartonshire, give OPAL a call – it’s what we’re here for!
“Over the next few weeks, OPAL is expanding its hours and bringing new partners on board, to increase the capacity of the service. We know from national and local statistics that the population of older people is expanding, and demand for services and information is also growing. OPAL is a co-operative venture, originally between Ceartas Advocacy, East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau and East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action, and now we have welcomed Carers Link on board as a partner.
“Between these four organisations, we have a huge wealth of knowledge and experience that can benefit older people. We want to make sure that older people are given the support they need to maintain their independence, and that they get to live with dignity, safety and quality of life. OPAL aims to help older people make those choices and live their lives their own way.”
OPAL is now available between 9:30 and 4:30, from Monday to Friday, on 0141 438 2347. You can find more information about OPAL here, or you can contact Roy Hunter on 0141 775 0433 or email