De Café in Bishopbriggs
15 October, 2013Still Game . . . at the heart of Ceartas
6 November, 2013Ceartas Advocacy is holding its annual business planning event today. In keeping with our tradition, we will be using the PATH format: Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope.
PATH is normally used in person-centred care planning, but also provides a really useful format for business planning for an organisation like Ceartas. Much like putting together a successful care plan, our business plan relies on knowing where we want to go, how we want to get there, who we need to get onside to help us, and identifying the resources we already have to help us get there.
The planning process involves Ceartas staff, service users, board members, members of the organisation and representatives of partner organisations.
Rather less traditionally, we are holding our annual business planning event on Hallowe’en! We don’t know if there will be any unexpected ghouls or witches making an appearance in our business plan. We hope not!