Still Game – We are the Champions!
2 October, 2013Mental Health Legal Advice Line
7 October, 2013Ceartas Advocacy’s ninth Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 28th November 2013, between 12:00 and 1:00 (registration from 11:30). It will be held in the Kirkintilloch Baptist Church, and will be followed by a light buffet lunch and an opportunity to learn more about Ceartas’ work through posters and information displays about all aspects of our work.
The theme for this year’s meeting is “Advocacy: Beyond the Diagnosis”. The meeting will include presentations from Ceartas service users, and the keynote speaker will be Ian Fraser, Chair of East Dunbartonshire Community Health Partnership (CHP).
If you would like to attend the AGM, please register your interest by calling the office on 0141 775 0433, or email us at
Ceartas is a membership organisation, and members are entitled to vote at the AGM. If you are interested in the work that Ceartas does in East Dunbartonshire, you can become a member by filling in the form here.