Still Still Game – 2 years on!
12 June, 2013Acquired Brain Injury Self-Management Course
18 June, 2013At our Acquired Brain Injury cafe last week, the group were delighted with the very postive feedback from their recent ABI Seminar which is helping to raise awareness of brain injury in the area – the group are looking at the possibility of producing a local book so they can share their experiences of living day to day with abi . . . watch this space!
The group also came up with some acrostics to express what ABI Cafe means to them. Here’s a few of the results for you-
Always Bright Is Caring And Friendly for Everyone!
Amicable, Banter, Interesting, Caring, Accepting, Friendly, Empathy
Alive, Biscuits, Informative, Cakes & Coffee, Active, Friendly, Educational
A Brilliant Idea for Communication and Finding Empathy!
Well done everyone! If you want to experience any of the above for yourself (even if its just the biscuits!) – call us on 0141 775 0433 for further information.