Ceartas Newsletter, Summer 2013
21 May, 2013Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy: 2013 – 2016
5 June, 2013Ceartas are hosting three De Cafes over the coming week, our regular De Cafe is on in Kirkintilloch Baptist Church today at 1.30pm and we will have a photography tutor along to speak to the group about using digital photography equipment. Then on Tuesday 4th June we have another De Cafe again in Kirkintilloch Baptist Church at 1.30pm to mark Dementia Awareness Week and on Thursday 6th June we are going over to Bearsden Baptist Church to host another De Cafe as part of our ongoing Dementia Awareness Week activities, this one starts at 1.30pm too. We would like to see as many people as possible along to support us, for further information please call us on 0141 775 0433.