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7 May, 2013East Dunbartonshire MAP is looking for a new name
15 May, 2013Our user involvement group, Still Game, met again on Tuesday 7th May. Various members of the group are now taking responsibility for aspects of the meeting which is really encouraging. Still Game awarded their first ‘Ceartas Champion’ certificate to John McLaren. This was for personal achievements and also for being a great ambassador for Ceartas. Gordon Thomson, Ceartas CEO updated the group about the recent EFQM award, and future plans for Ceartas. The group had a visit from a drama teacher who is willing to do some drama workshops with the group and they showed off their potential with some role play! The Group are looking forward to a quiz along with the Advocacy Staff in June and one or two of the group members will be giving presentations about issues which affect them. Look out for their summer newsletter which the task group will be working on over the next month.