8th Annual General Meeting
2 October, 2012ABI Cafe
11 October, 2012Our Service User Group, Still Game, met on Tuesday 2nd October. As always they had a busy programme and managed to achieve a lot of things. They began work on an ARTICLE which they've been asked to write for the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance newsletter. They also each enjoyed DESIGNING their own 'coat of arms' depicting the various aspects of their lives . . . it was great fun then trying to work out who's was who's!!
The EVALUATION Task group reported back on their latest meeting and the further changes they are suggesting to the Ceartas Evaluation Form. Still Game are encouraged at how much their INPUT has been incorporated into the development of the evaluation process. The group also worked on producing a list of QUALITIES they'd like to see in future volunteer and staff advocates and questions that they would like candidates to be asked. These will be used in the coming weeks and Ceartas staff really value the input of the group in this way.
It is encouraging that several members of Still Game have said that they would like the opportunity to SPEAK to the rest of the group about their own conditions and how it affects their lives. Other members are keen to chart their PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT through their involvement with Still Game. Both of these developments show how group members are gaining CONFIDENCE to speak up and communicate with others about how issues affect them and we are delighted about this.
Everyone is excited about the first Ceartas Ceilidh in November . . . contact us if you'd like further details about this. Members are also looking forward to TAKING PART in the 8th Ceartas AGM on 7th November 2012 at 2pm in the Baptist Church in Kirkintilloch. If anyone would like to come along and hear more about the work of Still Game and/or Ceartas, please contact us to let us know that you'll be coming along.