Still Game host SIAA
9 August, 2012Self Directed Support
12 September, 2012Still Game met on Tuesday 4th September and have begun to develop their own page and profiles for the Ceartas Website. Kelly Gainty came to speak to the group about Self Directed Support which was a helpful introduction to this subject which will affect many of those who use the services of Ceartas. Ever wanted to know more about Aspergers? Well, Still Game found out lots of interesting facts and information from John who gave a fantastic presentation about this. Speaking from his own experiences, John was able to tell the group about this condition and how it affects people. As a valued member of Still Game, everyone really appreciated John giving this presentation and sharing personal stories which helped them understand this condition even more. Well done John!! Plans are well underway for the Ceartas Ceilidh on Friday 30 November so get this in your diary and let us know if you want tickets for this!