ABI Cafe
13 June, 2012Ceartas Advocacy ‘Pop Up’ Info Cafe
14 June, 2012Still Game met on Tuesday 12th June. As always, the group were keen to get involved and enjoyed meeting Katherine Moir, our new Advocacy Worker. (Our volunteer, Robert did his best to make sure we asked her really tough questions – ha ha!!) It was good to get copies of our latest Newsletter and members of the group were really interested to hear Helen talking to them about brain injury and how this affects people who live with this day to day. She also told them about the monthly ABI Cafe which Ceartas run along with Headway. Earlier this year, Still Game helped to re-design our Evaluation Form and Sharon gave a report on our latest evaluation. We had a good response to the form and very positive feedback about Ceartas. A Still Game task group has agreed to meet again to further develop the evaluation form and we are really grateful for their input on this. Still Game members met with some staff and Board members recently for a development day which helped to look at the vision and future PATH for Ceartas. They are looking forward to the first Drop In 'Advocacy Cafe' on Thursday 12th June from 2-4pm at the Baptist Church in Kirkintilloch. This is for anyone who wants info about Ceartas, or advocacy support to access services or gain more control over your life through changes, meetings, legislation, etc or information on power of attorney, feel free to drop in for a coffee and a chat. We offer support to people who have dementia, learning or physical disability, older people, mental health, acquired brain injury and communication needs.
We wish happy birthday to Richard and also best wishes to Sheila and Bobby for their wedding next week. Still Game are looking forward to a trip on the Seagull Barge in July . . . let's hope the sun is shining!