KHCC Info Stand
9 May, 2012ABI Cafe
13 June, 2012Over 70 people attended the first Acquired Brain Injury Seminar on Thursday 17th May run by Ceartas and Headway during Action for Brain Injury Week. This event which had been initiated and supported by members our ABI Cafe group, went a long way towards achieving its objectives – To raise awareness in East Dunbartonshire of brain injury and it's prevalence. – To make people aware of the long-term effects on individuals, their lives, families, etc. – To highlight that it's often a hidden disability. – To make people aware of some of the services available to support people with abi. We welcomed Prof Tom McMillan as our Key Speaker who gave a definition of abi and spoke about its prevalence. He outlined the cognitive and physical effects as well as the effect on personality, lifestyle, families, etc. He highlighted that in Scotland 60% of brain injury cases are associated with alcohol. We were grateful to the various ABI Cafe members who took part in the event in order to express their own views and struggles in living with abi. There was a lot of information available from various local organisations who provide support to people with abi. As well as getting information about brain injury and how this can often be a hidden disability, those who attended said they also appreciated finding out about Headway, Ceartas advocacy and ABI Cafe. It was felt that this could be the start of regular events about ABI and Ceartas are already looking at ways to develop this in the future as well as continuing to provide support through advocacy and the ABI Cafe which they run in partnership with Headway. If you would like further information about the Seminar, Ceartas, Headway or ABI Cafe, please call us on 0141 775 0433 or email