Still Game
7 March, 2012Fiona McLeod MSP visits ABI Cafe
11 April, 2012Still Game (SG) met this week and welcomed serveral new people – our room was packed to capacity and we managed to spread the lunch out as far as it would go . . . thanks to some creme eggs!! After lunch, and a bit of fun, SG highlighted their recent achievements – Report to Ceartas Board, Presentation on Aspergers to Volunteer Centre, becoming Virtual Members of local PPF, establishing an SG Planning Group, a Job Tasks Group and the first meeting of their Ceilidh Planning Group!! Phew . . . wot a busy and productive time!! The Group discussed the possibility of inviting along Universal Comedy, the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance and representatives from the Joint Community Care Plan to future meetings. Members looked at the next stage in their 'Journey With Ceartas' booklet and looked at developing their own page on Ceartas Website and the possibility of their own Website in the future. Thanks to Robert for leading us in an activity which helped us get to know each other better by finding out what we have in common and in what ways we are also unique!! Robert . . . you are trully unique!! Looking forward to next meeting on Tuesday 1st May at 12.30pm. (Please note that the meeting scheduled for Tuesday 5th June will now be held on Tuesday 12th June due to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations!)