Ceartas Ceilidh
12 April, 2012and we’re STILL GAME!
2 May, 2012THURSDAY 17 MAY 2012 from 2-4pm
Ceartas Advocacy and Headway Glasgow are planning an Acquired Brain Injury Seminar on Thursday 17 May from 2-4pm in the Auditorium at McGregor House, 10 Donaldson Cres, Kirkintilloch, G66 1XF. The Key Speaker will be Prof Tom McMillan, Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology at the Institute of Health and Wellbeing. He will speak about this hidden disability, the clinical effects, the prevalence of brain injury and potential discrimination. The seminar aims to raise awareness of acquired brain injury locally and is suitable for those directly affected, carers, the public, those working in Health, Social Work and Voluntary Sector organisations. Ceartas and Headway will give information about the work they are doing with people who have abi and there will be infomation available from other organisations as well. The Seminar is free, but booking is essential. To book call Pam Thomson at Ceartas on 0141 775 0433 or email on pthomson@ceartas.org.uk
For further details click here: ABI Seminar – POSTER.