ABI Cafe
7 March, 2012Still Game
7 March, 2012On Tuesday 21st February, 7 people who have experience of Ceartas services, along with staff and Board members, met for a Development Day at the Ceartas offices. This day was facilitated by David Douglas and Ramon from Heartfelt. On the day, a graphic PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrow's with Hope) was drawn on the wall which captured the vision of service users for their lives. They also explored how Ceartas could support them to move towards accomplishing these visions. Everyone enthusiastically contributed to the day which was great fun and really encouraging for everyone. Ceartas, along with service users and volunteers, have already begun to carry out some of the proposed actions which included: piloting a drop-in advocacy cafe, setting up a task group to look at employment issues, hosting an open day for health and social work professionals, getting topical articles into local press and several other actions. If anyone would like to know more about this day or would like to support Ceartas and the service users in fulfilling these actions, please contact us.