De Cafe
25 October, 2011ABI Cafe
8 November, 2011Still Game met again on Tuesday 1st November and spent time looking at the Ceartas Evaluation Form which the Task Group had been working on. After a few minor alterations, the group agreed on the new format for the form which will now be launched with service users. The group are looking forward to being involved in a Development Day on 30th November and also practiced their presentation for the Ceartas AGM on 4th November. Some of the Still Game members are really looking forward to joining Ceartas Staff, Volunteers and other service users for a Team Day on 22nd November when they will help out at the Operation Christmas Child shoebox checking centre to give some of their time to helping this charity. After a busy year when the group have worked hard to contribute to the development of Ceartas, they are looking forward to some fun at their Christmas party on 6th December . . . watch out for the photos from that!!