Mental Welfare Commission – Starved of Care Report
1 June, 2011Still Game – July 2011
7 July, 2011On Tuesday 7th June 2011, eleven people who have used the services of Ceartas along with some staff and board members got together to look at what Still Game have achieved up to this point and how the group wants to develop in the future. The lunch time get together was good fun and a great success with everyone agreeing that they wanted to meet together more regularly. As well as looking at what the aims of the group are, the Still Game members began to consider what issues they would like to have input on. Some members of the Still Game group have also been asked to take part in a project being carried out by IRISS which is helping East Dunbartonshire Council to use an asset-based approach to assist mental health service delivery.
Still Game will now meets monthly and Ceartas are grateful to the members for their commitment to the Group and the future development of Ceartas. If you would like further information about Still Game, contact Pam Thomson at Ceartas on 0141 775 0433.