Board Members:
Ceartas is both a company limited by guarantee and a charity. As such, members of our Board are referred to as either as Directors (company) or Trustees (charity).
Ceartas has a strong board of volunteer Directors / Trustees, with a wide range of skills and experience that bring strong governance and direction to the organisation. Being a volunteer on our Board is an unpaid role that requires a degree of commitment, and as such we do not expect Board members to stay in post indefinitely.
When Board vacancies arise, they will be advertised on the Goodmoves website.

Anne has extensive experience in education, working as an art teacher and then a graphic designer for local authorities, and latterly as an elected member in East Dunbartonshire. Her interest in Ceartas was sparked by the quality of support offered to her constituents during her period in office.
Alan had a career in Banking and was an Auditor for many years. He brings his skills and experience to the Finance Sub-Committee, and to ensuring that appropriate governance structures are in place.