Ceartas is a Company Limited By Guarantee, recognised as a charity by HM Revenue and Customs, registered in Scotland with Companies House SC264199, and registered with OSCR SC025369.
Ceartas has a Board of volunteer Trustees, to provide top-down scrutiny and oversight. You can find out more about the Board here.
Ceartas also has a Service User Forum, comprised of volunteers who have used Ceartas’ service, and who provide an invaluable view from the perspective of people who have used the service and want to contribute to our service improvement. You can find out more about the Service User Forum here.
Ceartas is a membership organisation: membership is open to anyone with an interest in our work who supports the values that we promote across East Dunbartonshire. You can download a copy of our membership application form here.
Ceartas staff team has a wide range of skills, and many years of experience to call upon. You can find out more about the staff team here.
Our Mission Statement:
“Ceartas provides an advocacy service for people in East Dunbartonshire irrespective of their cultural background, gender, beliefs or sexuality.
We are committed to providing a service based on the principles of equality, fairness and justice. We strive to ensure that the views and opinions of individuals are heard and respected, affecting in a positive way the lives of people using the service.
We have a responsibility to provide this service, ensuring the rights of individuals are always central, in compliance with national advocacy standards.”
Our work will be driven by the achievement of the following agreed outcomes:
- To ensure more people are involved, in control and able to influence decisions affecting them.
- To provide independent accessible services which are responsive to the needs of the people and communities we serve.
- To enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of Ceartas services.
For more information about the history of Ceartas or what the name actually means, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.